Fri 14 – Sat 15 Jan 2022 PST
We are participating in SBC Virginia’s Youth Evangelism Conference on January 14th-15th, 2022 in Virginia Beach at London Bridge Baptist Church. YEC is a two-day event filled with games, worship, and teaching meant to challenge the next generation to live fully for Jesus Christ. The theme for this year is Sent. Equipping students to live “sent” as followers of Jesus (John 20:21) to proclaim His gospel to the world around them in how they live and minister to others. The speaker for this event is Cliff Jordan with worship led by Journey Worship Co.
Cost for this event is $50 and includes your conference ticket, t-shirt, transportation, and lodging for one night. We will be staying at Barclay Towers hotel in Virginia Beach.
Payment will be accepted at the church office in cash or check, Monday-Friday, 8:30a-4:30p or by placing your payment in a labeled envelope (with the attendee name and event name) and drop in the black box by the office door.